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The Nine Lives of Felines: Do Cats Live Longer Than Dogs?

13 Jul 2024.

Both cats and dogs have a long history of domestication and have been a part of our family homes for hundreds of years. But which beloved pet lives longer, cats or dogs? Numerous factors can impact the lifespan of our furry friends. Genetics, healthcare, lifestyle, and environmental conditions can all play a role. So, do cats really live longer than dogs? Below, Cat in a Flat takes a closer look at the average lifespan of cats vs dogs, and offers tips on how to improve Mr Whiskers’ quality and length of life too! 

Do cats and dogs have different lifespans? 

Do cats and dogs have different lifespans? Genetics, lifestyle, diet, and environment all play a part in the overall lifespan of any type of pet. While you can never guarantee how long a particular pet will live, good care and attention will always go a long way towards ensuring your kitty has a lengthy and healthy life. On average, cats do live slightly longer than dogs—though this is generally just by a few years. 

Average lifespan of a cat

In general, the average feline will live between 12 to 18 years. Of course, there are always exceptions. Some kitties can live to be in their 20s, though this can come with some cognitive decline. It’s important to keep in mind that different breeds also have different life expectancies. For example, Persian cats tend to have a shorter life expectancy of 10 years due to specific health problems related to the breed. Burmese cats, on the other hand, are considered a generally healthy breed and can often live into their 20s. 

Fun fact: The oldest cat to ever live was a tabby mix called Crème Puff who lived to be 38 years old! 

Average lifespan of dogs

Like felines, the life expectancy of your average pup will vary depending on breed and other factors. However, there is one factor that uniquely impacts the lifespan of dogs: size. Generally, the smaller the dog, the longer the lifespan. Smaller breeds can live between 12 to 16 years, while larger dogs have a shorter life expectancy of just 8 to 12.

Fun fact: A Portuguese dog named Bobi holds the Guinness World record for the oldest dog ever. Bobi lived to be 31 years old! 

What impacts if cats or dogs live longer? 

What impacts if cats or dogs live longer? While cats do on average live longer than dogs, there are many factors within each species that can contribute to longer or shorter lifespans. A pet’s breed and genetic makeup, regular (or irregular) healthcare, diet, activity levels, and living conditions are all important factors. A long lifespan is never guaranteed, and someday you will have to say goodbye to your beloved fur friend when they pass. However, there are steps you can take to keep your pup or kitty happy and healthy for as long as possible.


Your pet’s genetic makeup plays a central role in its life expectancy. Some cat and dog breeds are more susceptible to disease or health problems. This is why should always take a lot of care when purchasing any specific breed. Find an ethical breeder and avoid unethical breeds such as Munchkin cats. If possible, consider adopting before purchasing a pet. There are many pups and kitties in need of homes, and you’ll be giving a fur friend a happier, healthier life too. 


Regular vet visits are crucial for any type of pet. Part of ensuring your cat or dog lives a long life is by taking them for annual vet visits. Vaccinations, parasite control, and yearly examinations can help identify and treat any potential health issues early on. As a paw parent, you should also be able to recognise symptoms for heatstrokediabetes, or feline flu.


An overweight cat or dog faces an increased risk of health issues. Hence, proper nutrition and a good weight are important for your pet to live a long and healthy life. Feed your cat a mixture of wet and dry food to promote a balanced diet. 


All pets need at least some exercise to stay healthy. Mr Whiskers’ activity level will depend on their age and, sometimes, their breed. Even so, you should help your pet get exercise every day. Make playtime with your cat a part of your daily routine. Not only will this help your kitty or pup regulate their weight, but it will also reduce stress. 

Living conditions

All pets are routine orientated, cats slightly more than dogs. A stable home environment is key for keeping your pet healthy. If you have a multi-pet household, it’s important that each animal feels they have enough personal space. Cats and dogs live longer when they have a steady daily routine, safe access to the outdoors, access to shelter as well as fresh food and water.  

Why some cat breeds live longer than others

Some cat breeds are specifically bred to bring out or highlight certain traits. Unfortunately, these breeding practices can sometimes cause health issues and negatively impact the feline’s life expectancy. These genetic susceptibilities can shorten Mr Whiskers’ lifespan. 

Long-living cat breeds are those which usually have minimal human meddling. These are breeds which have developed ‘naturally’, such as the hearty Maine Coon or the Russian Blue. On the other hand, some breeds (like the Ragdoll cat) experience excessive inbreeding which leads to serious health issues and shorter lifespans.

How can I lengthen my cat’s life? 

How can I lengthen my cat’s life? Although nature and genetics plays a big role in how long your cat lives, you should never underestimate the power of nurture. There are steps you can take to help lengthen your fur friend’s life such as feeding them a balanced diet and making sure they have enough exercise and mental stimulation. A stable and stress-free environment will help increase your feline’s lifespan too. Here are a few key ways to ensure your kitty is able to live a long, healthy life: 

  • Regular vet visits. Make sure Mr Whiskers has at least one annual vet visit and always take your feline to the vet if you notice any changes in their behaviour or physical well-being. 
  • A balanced diet. Feed your cat a balanced diet of wet and dry food. Make sure you follow a meal schedule, so your kitty isn’t grazing throughout the day.
  • Proper grooming. It’s important to provide basic care for your fur friend—from clipping their claws, to brushing their teeth, to grooming their fur. Make sure you know how often and how to properly groom both short and long-haired cats. 
  • Physical and mental stimulation. This means several short daily play sessions, as well as providing cat trees and safe toys for solo play. If you spend long hours outside the home, consider hiring a cat sitter to provide daily at-home cat day care so your kitty stays stimulated and physically fit.
  • Socialising. Felines may be independent animals, but that doesn’t mean they don’t get lonely. Prolonged loneliness can be fatal, so it’s important for your kitty to get enough socialisation. Consider getting another cat to keep your furry friend company, and make sure you spend quality time with your cat every day. 

Looking for more cat care tips? Check out our tips and tricks for keeping your home clean and cat-friendly and 5 potentially fatal mistakes every cat owner should avoid. 

  • #catinaflat
  • #pet care
  • Cat Care
  • cats and dogs lifespans
  • cats live longer than dogs
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